Thursday 26 March 2009

Button love

If, like me, you used to love rummaging through your Grandma's old button tin and pulling out unusual or particularly vintage looking buttons to sort through on the floor, then you'll probably like these unique, ceramic buttons, handmade by Etsy user siennaorlando. They look like buttons from a strange children's story - perfect! Personally I love the owl button! Be sure to check out her Etsy for plenty of other designs.

Edit: If you are clumsy, fear not! I'm told these precious buttons are very durable \(^o^)/ That's music to my clumsy ears!


  1. Gosh these are lovely, I wish I wasn't so clumsy, I'd break them too quickly :( The V&A shop used to have big glass bowls full of beautiful ceramic buttons, I bought a handful and I broke them in my bag, so clumsy!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I can be quite clumsy so I'd probably break them too... that would be heartbreaking!

  4. Honestly, I am the clumsiest, but these are extremely durable. Literally, you can throw them! The only thing that is fragile is the little birdie tails.

    Thank you shoegazer! Love your blog!

  5. Hi Jellybean! I'm glad to hear they are durable, I'm sure that will be great news to clumsy people everywhere :D Thanks for checking out my blog. x
